czwartek, 8 maja 2014

Poradnik: przygotowanie do wystąpień publicznych...

15 minut przed...

1. Use the restroom. "First thing's first," Price says. "Needing the toilet when you wouldn't normally 'have to go' is a common reaction to anxiety and pre-speech jitters. Why take chances? Plan ahead and use the restroom in the moments prior to going on stage."

2. Check out the meeting room and audiovisual set-up. As the speaker, be sure you know the environment, including the seating arrangement, presentation electronics, microphone, and lighting. Get to the room early and ensure you're comfortable with the set-up. "This step shows the audience you're prepared and helps ensure your presentation runs smoothly," she says.

3. Meet and greet the audience before you speak. Shake hands and talk with as many people as possible ahead of time. "This shows the audience you're approachable and personable," Price explains. "You may even learn a few names, issues, and stories to weave into your presentation. Plus, having conversations with your listeners ahead of time transforms scary 'public' speaking into natural relaxed 'personal' speaking."

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